What To Expect

I booked an event with CRC! What’s next?

You have filled out our booking form, finalized all of the details, and paid your deposit. What happens now? We ask that you make your final payment prior to our entrance into your event. You can pay via card or PayPal with your confirmation link, or you can hand cash to the event assistant prior to the start of your event. Any of these options are fine, just let us know what your plan is so that we can know what to expect. Payment plans can be arranged if you find yourself needing to pay in segments.

What does CRC need from me at the event?

The performers will need an electrical outlet to plug in their music player, and a seat for each princess to use during some activities. They may also need an indoor space to perform if the weather outside is uncooperative, such as rain, extreme heat or wind. We keep a close eye on the weather, and will let you know ahead of time if other arrangements will be needed.

Walk me through what my event will be like!

Our performers will send you a text when they are nearby, and will let you know when they are ready to be escorted into your party so that you or someone else from your group can meet them outside and show them the way in. Once inside, the princesses will greet each young guest, and chat with the birthday child for a few minutes before setting up their music and supplies.

Each of our events begins with an interactive story time and live singing performance that the children are welcome to sing along with! This usually takes a good portion of the time. After this, the princess will lead games, dancing, or glitter tattoos depending on multiple factors: age and interest level of the children, how much time is left, and any requests from you during the booking process. Not all activites are guaranteed to happen at every event for the above reasons, so if you have something you would especially like to have happen, let us know ahead of time so the performer can prioritize it.

After the activites, the princess and her assistant will gather the children for photos! We love to take group photos, individual photos with each child in attendance, and special photos with the birthday child and their family. After all children have had a turn, we welcome adults and other guests to take photos as well if there is time. Please make sure that no alcoholic beverages or political messaging are present in the photos.

At this time, we welcome you to bring out the birthday cake if you wish to, and the princess will lead the group in singing to the child, followed which she will begin to say her goodbyes. We ask that you or another guest escort the princess out of your event when the time comes so that none of the children see her getting into her vehicle, since we believe a minivan isn’t quite as magical as a pumpkin coach! This would also be the time to give a gratuity if you wish to, out of sight of the children.

After my event is over, what happens?

On the Monday following your event, you can expect an email from us containing a link to a Google Drive filled with the photos the assistant took at your party, which you can use however you please! Note that even if you said “no” in our photo release on the booking form, we will still send you the pictures but they will not be posted or used publicly. In this email, we will also ask for your feedback so that we know how we can improve in the future!